‘Prepare’ for the Sunday Gospels of Lent with Fr Patrick Lagan’

Would you like to spend a little time each week of Lent preparing for the

Sunday Gospel before you hear is at Sunday Mass?

‘Prepare’ will be delivered via Zoom and facilitated by Fr Patrick Lagan, Diocese of Derry. Beginning on Monday, 19th February at 7.00pm – 8.00pm

it will continue each Monday until 18th March leading us to Palm Sunday and Holy Week.

Using the prayer practice of Lectio Divina, Fr Patrick will lead a group to read,

listen to, respond to and rest with the Word of God. As a group, it is a

wonderful opportunity to place the Word of God at the centre of our prayer

and spiritual life as we strive to deepen our relationship with Christ and each


To book your place click on the link:

Sunday Gospels of Lent

or email: tony.brennan@derrydiocese.org