Churches will be open for worship on Friday 26th  March

Bishops in the North have announced a cautious return to public worship for the faithful from 26th March, in time for the celebration of Holy Week and Easter.

Bishops emphasise the need for continued caution and a rigorous application of all mitigations and safeguards required to ensure the safest possible return to public worship in our Churches. Every person should consider carefully if returning to collective worship is the safe and appropriate step for them, at this time.

Families are encouraged to join those celebrating the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus in churches, from the ‘domestic church’ of their own living rooms, via live-streaming. Bishops, together with other Church leaders, encourage all on Easter Sunday to pray and reflect in a spirit of remembering, solidarity and hope in the context of the current pandemic.

The weekly mass schedule for our parish will resume as detailed below

Weekday schedule

09.15am Immaculate Conception

10:00am St Columb’s,

11:00am St Oliver Plunkett

07:30pm St Columb’s

Saturday Morning

10:00am St Columb’s

11:00am Immaculate Conception

Weekend schedule Vigils

06:00pm  Immaculate Conception

06:00pm St Oliver Plunkett

07:00pm St Columb’s

08:00pm Immaculate Conception

Morning (Sunday)                

09:30am Immaculate Conception

10:00am  St Columb’s

11:15am St Oliver Plunkett

12 noon Immaculate Conception

12:30pm St Columb’s

06:00pm St Columb’s